Monday, September 24, 2007

God's love is over 4.5 billion years old.

Scientist estimate the the earth began to form about 4.5 billion years ago. That's BILLION with a Capital B. Considering humans have only roamed the earth for 10, 000 years that's an unfathomable time period. The earth was first an orb of boiling lava. Over a period of 4 million years the earth went through changes. At one point the earth was 95% water inhabited by mostly sea creatures. Later the earth became a swampy marsh in habit by reptile like creatures we would recognized today. Later these creatures would be wiped out as the earth's surface would be covered in ice. This ice and the pressure it created over the formerly marshy earth created most of the fossil feuls and minerals we mine today like , coal, oil, and diamonds. After this mass was melted by the earth's lava core the continents you recognize today were created and not long after dinosaurs began to roam the earth (230 million years ago). Dinosaurs reigned for a tremendous amount of time. From 230 million years ago to 65 million years ago when they were wiped out by an asteroid. After he dinosaurs were gone there was a period of 55, 000 years of ice ages. The ice would grow to cover the earth and then recede numerous times in this period. These enormous glaciers created the mountains and canyons you see today. Actually we are still in this ice age period. The glaciers at the north and south poles are reminisces of a earth once covered in ice less than 10, 000 years ago. 10,000 years ago during the beginning of the current warming period the first mammals began to appear (our relatives). And you know the rest.
My thoughts are how Powerful is God who created a wonderful world for us. Shaped by his hands over a time period that we can not fathom. Patiently he created the earth to give us a place to live. Like new parents labor over the child's nursery so God labored for us. He loved us 4.5 million years before we were created. And if that wasn't enough he sent his son a mere 2000 years ago to make sure that when we leave this planet we can return home to be with him.
So the only question left is why did God allow the dinosaurs to reign earth for so long? He 's a kind God and didn't want the paleontologist to get bored.

Faith Requires Saying "I don't Know"

There are so many things in the bible that I don't know and can't explain. These biblical "I don't Knows" used ot trip me up and even make me question the legitimacy of the bible. For instance , in the story of the second comming Jesus says some of you will see these things happen or this generation will not pass away until these things have come to pass. I don't understand. Was he talking about the destruction of Jerusalem here or are there 2000 year old people walking about. I've read it time and again and I have come to the conclusion that I don't understand, and that's ok. See faith in Jesus allows me to dismiss the things I don't understand and requires me sometime to say , I don't know. Maybe one day God will reveal the answer to me. Until then I'll just go on faith. After all , I truly believe that Jesus is the son of God and that he healed people, raised the dead and he himself was raised from the dead. From that point its a small leap of faith to accept that there might be 2000 year old people on the earth. Even a smaller leap to imagine that God is not ready to give me understanding of this teaching yet. My reason leads me to believe the latter and my faith would allow me to believe both. Jon