Monday, September 24, 2007

Faith Requires Saying "I don't Know"

There are so many things in the bible that I don't know and can't explain. These biblical "I don't Knows" used ot trip me up and even make me question the legitimacy of the bible. For instance , in the story of the second comming Jesus says some of you will see these things happen or this generation will not pass away until these things have come to pass. I don't understand. Was he talking about the destruction of Jerusalem here or are there 2000 year old people walking about. I've read it time and again and I have come to the conclusion that I don't understand, and that's ok. See faith in Jesus allows me to dismiss the things I don't understand and requires me sometime to say , I don't know. Maybe one day God will reveal the answer to me. Until then I'll just go on faith. After all , I truly believe that Jesus is the son of God and that he healed people, raised the dead and he himself was raised from the dead. From that point its a small leap of faith to accept that there might be 2000 year old people on the earth. Even a smaller leap to imagine that God is not ready to give me understanding of this teaching yet. My reason leads me to believe the latter and my faith would allow me to believe both. Jon

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